2009年12月8日 星期二


Missing Tasmanian found in pub


A man from Tasmania's north has been found in a Christchurch pub, unaware that New Zealand police and the Coast Guard had been looking for him for two days.


Michael Craig is in New Zealand for a fishing trip.

麥可‧克雷格(Michael Craig)是去紐西蘭釣魚的。

But the holiday has not been very relaxing for his travelling companion, a fellow Tasmanian. Mr Craig's friend reported him missing on Saturday.


Police started a sea and land search for the George Town man who was last seen leaving a pub at Littleton, near Christchurch, in the early hours of Saturday morning.


Two days later Mr Craig was found 10 kilometres away at another bar, and Detective Senior Sergeant David Harvey from Christchurch Police said he was obliviously unaware that he had been reported missing.

兩天之後,克雷格在十公里外的一間酒吧裡被警方尋獲,基督城警察局的大衛‧哈利(David Harvey)巡官說,他很顯然不知道他已經成為失蹤人口。

"He had been out socialising and not made his friend aware," he said.


Senior Sergeant Harvey says Mr Craig and his mate have now been reunited.


Source: Click here.


生字 / 片語

Coast Guard: 海岸防衛隊,相當於台灣的海岸巡防署(簡稱海巡署)

companion: 同伴

fellow: 伙伴

look for: 尋找

obviously: 顯然地

relaxing: 放鬆的

reunited: 重聚

socializing: 社交(美:socializing)

unaware: 未察覺到;渾然不知

make… aware: 讓……知道

